Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Bee On Time!!! Show some consideration for yourself and others!!!

As the second official week of school is underway, one of the most important things to be mindful of is staying on target with timeframes.  What does this mean?  No dawdling!!!    If you only have ten minutes to eat breakfast before the bus arrives, don't just sit there leisurely taking the time to browse through the comics or the coolest catalog you have just received because here is what could happen....

You are going to get so enthralled with "the latest" that you are going to lose track of what you should be doing and start the whole day off kilter.  Not to mention, your mom will more than likely be crabbing at you the entire time to hurry up and get going!  No thanks!!!  Who needs it!?!

On top of all that:

  1. You are going to make the bus driver wait because you weren't paying attention to the clock.   
  2. You are going to make everyone else late that is waiting for the bus, because now the bus is behind schedule because of you and that could potentially get the driver in trouble with his bosses.   
  3. You are going to gyp yourself out of the energy you need to focus on your schoolwork because you didn't eat all your breakfast.
The point is:  BEE responsible for your SELF!

This applies to homework, obligations and all aspects of your life.  If you've got something to do, do it!   Don't sit around and wait for someone else to tell you what you need to be doing.  It gets very tiresome, not just for you, but for the person who constantly has to say the same things over and over again.  You are growing up for crying out loud and have got to learn how to become self sufficient.  When you get in the real world--out of high school and on to full blown adulthood-- you are going to have to rely on your capabilities as much as possible to take care of yourself.  No matter what your life calls you to do after you graduate twelvth grade, you will eventually have your own habitat.   You will have to grocery shop and pay bills, cook and clean.   And this is on top of all the other stuff that comes with being a grown up.  Maybe even working a job and going to school!   And we're not even talking about having a family of your own to raise.  This is plain old, Jane old, taking care of yourself and keeping up with what you have to do to exist as a living person on this planet.  Keeping in mind the world does not revolve around you, but WITH you and you've got to do your part to keep it moving!

All this being said, another thing you've got to consider: not everyone is as lucky as you.  Some people will never have the chance to live as independent adults because of a disability or other circumstance.  This does not mean they don't want to, so count your blessings and be thankful for the things you CAN do for yourself on the road to being an independent adult.  It is an awesome liberty that not everyone has the pleasure of experiencing for whatever reason. 

So, as a student, now is the time to start gettting your self maintenance routine down because time goes really quickly and you will be out on your own before you know it.  Once you get into a schedule and stick with it you will be amazed at how smoothly your days go and how much better you feel about yourself for being so organized. 

BEE honest with yourself!  Wouldn't you much rather go to school with a smile on your face because you were thinking about how much fun you and your mom had in the morning rather than a scowl because the old lady drives you crazy sometimes?

Your consideration about what you need to be doing, where and when with whom, will take you anywhere you want or need to go.  

Of this you can BEE assured!!!

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