Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to School! A Must Have...Awareness!

Well- it's that time of year again! 

No time for boo-hooing about growing up too fast here! Lots of good things on the horizon as we connect with old friends and new faces. Opportunities to stand out from the crowd and shine like a star wait at every turn.

It's very exciting but one of the most important things to remember is to be aware.  BEE aware of the world around you. It's always moving and constantly changing, so stay alert!

Here are some handy dandy tips for being a "Do":

When you get out of bed in the morning make sure you put your best face and body forward! Demonstrate respect for yourself and those around you by taking pride in the way you look--and smell!

Before you walk out the door:

Make sure your teeth are brushed and flossed!  No one wants to smell stinky breath or look at last night's dinner.  Or worse yet, a mouthful of scummy buildup. Ga-ross!! Taking proper care of your mouth will keep your smile nice and bright! Let it shine!

Did you put deodorant on after you showered? If you showered the night before, put it on again in the morning because your body sweats a lot when you sleep and you need to reapply. When in doubt think about how you react to body odor on someone else; keeping in mind it is never acceptable to make fun of someone who does have an unpleasant odor about them. Often times people have medical issues that cause them much embarrasment but can't be helped. Talk to the school nurse about someone else's body odor, not your friends!    

What about your nails? How do they look? Dirty? Jagged? Teeth marks? Fix em! Don't walk out the door with hands you wouldn't want to shake yourself! Besides, your hands are tools for creating a masterpiece and they need to be kept in mint condition!

Hair? Keep it clean! Your head sweats like crazy so make sure you really scrub your scalp when you wash it.  Bedhead be gone! Run through it with a brush, comb or even your fingers depending on your hair type. Also, keep it out of your eyes.  Hiding behind a curtain of hair makes eye contact extremely difficult! And we all know how important that is!!! Eye contact! Eye contact! Eye contact!

When you get dressed do so with pride and make sure your clothes are clean and not wrinkled, otherwise it will look like you just pulled them out of the dirty laundry. One of the most important things to remember is: it's not what you wear, but how you wear it that counts. So what if you don't have the hottest trends or the same brands your friends do! Whoever bought the clothes on your back worked hard for the money to buy them so wear them proudly! There is no fun in looking like everyone else anyway! There IS fun to be had shopping thrift stores and vintage boutiques! After all, it's a form of recycling and you can find one of a kind pieces that few are likely to have -- plus it's a great way to develop your own style.

When you get to school be aware of the people around you. If you have mobility equipment you use to get around, make sure you follow the rules of the road. Pretend you are driving a car and do your best to stay to the right when traveling down the hallways or aisles. Don't stop abruptly if you are leading a line because you might get rear ended and cause an accident! And watch out for toes! Don't run over anybody!

If you don't have mobility equipment then watch out for those who do! Help them with doors or get something out of the way for them if they need it moved. BUT please remember to ask if a person needs help before you do this though because they may or may not want to try and do it themselves first.

See someone sitting alone or who looks like they need a friend? Pretend it's you and think how you might feel if you were that person, then be a leader and go strike up conversation with them.  It could lead to a lifelong friendship and you will never know till you try.

Planning a celebration and want to invite the kids in your class? First and foremost: take into consideration who is in your class and what they can or can't do. Make your plans around the abilities of EVERYONE so they all can participate in the good time to be had at your star party!

The most important thing to remember when you walk out the door in the morning is to BEE a star by being who you are!  There is only one you!

Dare to BEE square Daddy-O!

See ya!

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